Sustainable Transport and Parking in Hiedanranta

In Hiedanranta, all services, activities and local nature are located conveniently within walking or cycling distance. Getting around the area is easy, and everyday life runs smoothly, with services situated along the most important walking and cycling routes and in the vicinity of public transport stops. The district relies on public transport and also serves as a transport hub for the western parts of Tampere. Starting in January 2025, Hiedanranta will be a mere 12-minute tram ride away from the centre of Tampere.

Hiedanranta is also easily accessible by car. Parking in the new city district will be centred into neighbourhood parking facilities with shared, non-dedicated parking spaces. Street parking in Hiedanranta is meant for short-term parking related to drop-off and pick-up traffic. Residential buildings will also have allocated street-level parking areas designated for disabled parking – otherwise, long-term parking is provided in the parking facilities. This allows the residential blocks to be implemented as leafy, pleasant and safe environments.

The First Parking Facility in the Northern Blocks

The construction of Hiedanranta will begin with the northern blocks, to the north of the factory area, where Hiedanrannan Pysäköinti Oy is developing a 4–5-storey parking facility. During the first phase of construction, the building will have some 400 parking spaces for cars and 20 spaces for motorcycles. Parking spaces will also be reserved for car sharing vehicles in the Hiedanranta area.

The construction of the parking facility will be influenced by, among other factors, the schedule of finishing the residential buildings in the northern blocks, as well as the developing needs for parking in the area. According to the preliminary plans, the construction of the parking facility will start in early 2026 and will last for roughly a year. If necessary, a temporary parking solution will be arranged in the vicinity of the parking facility before the building is completed for residents of the northern blocks and for visitors to the area.

How will the parking facility work?

The parking facility for the northern blocks will offer parking rights and electric car charging rights for lease to the area’s residents and to the employees of businesses in the area. The facility will also offer park-and-ride and short-term parking services for visitors, Factory event-goers and, for example, commuters who wish to park their car at Hiedanranta and take the tram or a bus to work in the city. The facility will serve all parking customers, and there will be no parking shares available for purchase.

Parking customers will lease the type of parking right that suits their needs and park in a car or motorcycle parking space that is free at the time. There will be a wide range of parking products available. The selection includes monthly and yearly contracts for long-term parking, as well as a weekday parking contract for people who work in Hiedanranta and commuters who need park-and-ride services. Customers may acquire car heating and hybrid or electric car charging rights, as needed.

The parking services will be developed based on the needs and wishes of the customers. For example, possible extra services may include car service spaces where customers can clean their windshield, measure the tyre pressure and vacuum clean their car.