Hiedanranta Art Programme

According to surveys, Finns would like to have art integrated into their living environment. Art is seen as enhancing the pleasantness and safety of the local environment, in addition to boosting the value of the neighbourhood. In Hiedanranta, public art is meant to bring joy, bolster the identity of the city district and create meaningful meeting places. In support of these goals, an art programme was drawn up for Hiedanranta and published in 2021.

Art Connected to the Times

The art programme is based on the area’s special characteristics and urban culture. Features of the site and insight into people’s everyday lives or to a particular new perspective are considered in the artistic content. The objective is for the art in Hiedanranta to be physically and socially accessible, in addition to being so in terms of the content, and that the works of art strike a balance between ambitious contemporary art and approachability.

The aim of public art in Hiedanranta is to cover a diverse range of artistic media, with due consideration to changing weather conditions and the possibility of vandalism. An important element of public art is the relationship between the work and the surrounding space. The works may settle into the space in various ways – they can be permanent and independent pieces or integrated as part of the urban space or a building. A work of art may also be temporary – for example, an event or performance that offers city dwellers the opportunity to participate in the implementation of the piece. Works of art may also be temporary in terms of the material choices or method of implementation if, for example, the duration or process of the piece is an essential element of its artistic content.

Art Brings Joy to Residents and Visitors

The plans for Hiedanranta include public works of art along central transport and recreational routes, as well as in connection with important buildings and residential courtyards, among other sites. Future residents will be able to experience art in their everyday living environment, in addition to having the opportunity to be involved in the creation of art by participating in culture and recreational activities. An important premise is to promote spontaneous graffiti culture by offering free street art walls, while also producing murals of high international standards through art competitions. The art programme also makes reservations for three works to be implemented at sites which will be selected at a later date through a participatory process involving the community.

The Hiedanranta art programme defines varied site-specific roles for public art:

• From facade to symbol – the two works implemented in sites belonging to this category serve to foster an image of Hiedanranta that is projected to the outside, thereby reinforcing the area’s identity.
• From space to place – the three works implemented at these sites will be in places that are in frequent use by residents and visitors. Here, art serves to enrich the milieu and to inject meaning and personality into a space where diverse groups of people come together.
• A traveller’s companion – the works at these sites are to carry along, guide and invite people in. This category of sites includes parks and traffic routes, three of which will be selected for implementation as the planning for the area progresses.
• Hidden treasure – the ‘hidden treasures’ will introduce art into places where the works will not be visible to everyone. The works will include small pieces implemented in residential courtyards, creating a sense of ownership and intimacy. The pieces will be important elements in the everyday life of the community. Five of the proposed sites will be selected for implementation as the planning progresses.

Works of Art Constructed Alongside the New District

The Hiedanranta art programme takes into account the phased development of the new district. A key principle in Hiedanranta’s public art concept is ensuring that the works settle in with the rhythm of the urban fabric. The works will vary in size, content and materials – this is to pursue a diverse and high-quality artistic whole in Hiedanranta instead of a repetitive series of art purchases.

Another planning premise as regards the public art is to only define the essential guidelines that are relevant at any given stage of planning. The implementation of the art programme is executed through annual action plans, which elaborate on the programme with respect to the positioning and number of the works as the detailed planning and other urban planning progress.

Familiarise yourself with the Hiedanranta art programme (PDF; in Finnish )

The art programme was compiled by Public Art Agency Finland, a design and consulting agency specializing in the integration of public space and contemporary art. The work was supervised by a steering group comprising representatives of Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy, the City of Tampere and Tampere Art Museum.