Contact Us

Address: Tehdaskartanonkatu 36, 33400 Tampere

Toimitusjohtaja Mikko Leinonen

Mikko Leinonen
050 520 0395

Mikko is responsible for planning the operations of the company and realising Hiedanranta in a way that meets the goals of the district.

Hankekehitysjohtaja Sami Ahokas

Sami Ahokas
Head of Development
0400 696 842

Sami’s role is to help the future creators of the district to form a city district that is in line with the Hiedanranta vision and leave room for functional, completely new kinds of solutions.

Kiinteistöpäällikkö Lasse Alkula

Lasse Alkula
Property Manager
050 324 8156

Lasse is responsible for the property management of the land assets and buildings as well as the management and development of the implementation of building construction projects.

Projekti-insinööri Eeva

Eeva Hakala
Project Manager
045 138 9989

Eeva’s responsibilities include project management concerning plot conveyance and development projects among other things.

Talouspäällikkö Riikka Hannelius

Riikka Hannelius
Head of Administration & Finance
040 563 0060

Riikka is responsible for the company’s finances and administration.

Hallinnonassistentti Outi Heliövaara

Outi Heliövaara
Administrative Assistant
040 731 9530

Outi takes care of contracts, acquisitions, the organization of various events, and the everyday smooth running of the premises and office.

Eero Inkinen
Civil Engineering Trainee
040 356 2045
Eero handles tasks related to the construction and planning of public areas and participates in the customer’s safety tasks and communication regarding construction sites.

Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy:n rakennuttajapäällikkö Laura Jussila

Laura Jussila
Civil Engineering Manager
044 351 7309

Laura oversees the construction and design of public spaces in Hiedanranta.

Kirsi Kaartinen
Marketing Assistant
040 186 5294

Kirsi handles marketing and communication tasks and updates websites and social media

Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy:n suunnittelupäällikkö Sanna Karppinen

Sanna Karppinen
Design Manager
040 574 0576

Sanna is coordinates city plan alterations, plot sale competitions and related plans & analysis. Sanna also oversees design data management and the company’s BREEAM C certifification process.

Mikko Ketola
Technical Property Manager
050 339 1748

Mikko is responsible for all ongoing technical management and development of the company’s real estate properties.

Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy:n

Kari-Pekka Kujanpää
Development Manager
044 563 1943

Hallintokoordinaattori Hilja Lappalainen

Hilja Lappalainen
050 409 7761

Hilja handles administration and communications tasks and also operates with events and tenants.

Suunnittelujohtaja Saara Melama

Saara Melama
Head of Planning & Design
050 543 2778

Saara’s work includes ensuring the high quality of construction planning based on the goals of the district and the master plan.

Laura Niittymäki
Marketing Manager
040 133 4754

Laura is responsible for the brand and marketing management of Hiedanranta and Tehdas.

Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy:n business controller Anna Saraste

Anna Saraste
Business Controller
040 556 7081

Anna manages our financial planning, supervision and reporting.

Kehitysjohtaja Reijo Väliharju

Reijo Väliharju
Head of Sustainability & Innovation
050 388 0901

Reijo is responsible for the district’s development projects, experiments, pilot and innovation operations together with several different partners.

Contact Details – The City of Tampere

Hiedanrata is developed in close cooperation with the City of Tampere and Hiedanranta Kehitys Oy owned by the city.

Hiedanrannan kulttuurikoordinaattori Henni Salo

Henni Salo 
Public Cultural Services
044 431 4931

Together with residents and creators in the area, Henni makes sure that cultural activities in Hiedanranta remain live and well as the city district grows.

Hankekehityspäällikkö Juha Kaivonen

Juha Kaivonen
Director of Project Development
Hiedanranta Development Program
040 680 0179

Juha ensures that the benefit goals of the Hiedanranta development programme guide the development of the city district.

Jari Vaarma

Jari Vaarma
Project Architect
City Planning
040 701 8540

Jari’s role is to make sure that the creation of the Hiedanranta city plan progresses meeting the goals of the planning programme and the master plan.

Anna Vesén
Project Manager, Tampere City
040 571 8456